We Told You So

Written March 24, 2019…

Robert Mueller

After the news broke that there would be no further indictments coming from the Mueller investigation, my only comments on the matter were “I told you so.” There was nothing more to say about it at that moment, except to sit back and feel smug at being vindicated – but I will now expand on that by saying that the many of us that knew from day one that this Trump-Putin collusion narrative was pure bullshit – just like the Iraq WMD narrative and the Assad-gassing narratives were – have every right to say I told you so for the next several years.

I hate Trump as much as the next guy, but unlike many deluded people in this country, I used my critical thinking skills and quickly came to the conclusion that this was nothing more than a McCarthyist-style witch hunt. Trump is a lot of things (99% of them bad), but Kremlin double-agent is not one of them. Did he have shady business dealings in the past with Russians? No doubt. But most businessmen like him have shady business dealings. Was I supposed to be horrified that they were with Russians, rather than shady dealings with Italians, French or Mongolians? No, that’s just more of this red-scare nonsense that we have been brainwashed with for decades. And all this talk that he always sides with Putin is simply ludicrous when you actually open your eyes and realize that many of Trump’s actions were 100% against the wishes of Russia. I would go as far as to say that he has actually been more anti-Russia in many ways than Obama was.

Regardless of anything, if people thought – and some still continue to think – that a president (or any other extremely rich, powerful person) was actually going to go off to jail, then I have a bridge to sell you. Why wasn’t Nixon put in jail? Why is Dubya not in jail? Why is Hillary not in jail? Why is Kissinger not in jail? Trust me, Trump will never be spending one day in a prison cell. Whether he deserves to or not is irrelevant. It won’t happen. And it’s certainly not going to happen from this particular case.

The corporate media once again proved Trump right when he says they are nothing but fake news by screaming this collusion nonsense night and day for 2 ½ years (Russia-l Madcow, I’m definitely looking at you). But of course, it’s funny watching them continuously move the goalposts and try to make it sound like it was never about collusion. Bullshit! They must think we are stupid. The only ignorant ones are the gullible idiots that continue to watch that shit because they hate Trump with such a passion that they can’t even think straight. I love how some people are still trying to accuse me of being a “Russian bot” for simply stating the facts: “No further indictments are coming.” Don’t shoot the messenger. It was all over the news. There are no further indictments coming from Mueller. End of story.

In their quest to get Trump at any cost, they have almost completely finished destroying our country in the process. Certainly as much as Trump has. The true legacy of this nonsense is that everyone is going around accusing anyone they don’t agree with (or for even stating simple facts) of “working for the Kremlin.” We also have more censorship because of this crap, and we have a Democratic Party that has all but destroyed whatever was left of them.

This whole thing has taught me to be very skeptical of every single story I hear coming from the mainstream media. And certain politicians, who shall remain nameless, also pushed this ridiculous narrative, when they knew that it was the Democratic Party that invented this entire conspiracy theory out of thin air, and then got the mainstream media to sell it to the world.

So I will say again, I told you so. I told you there was no collusion. I told you nothing was going to come of this. I told you Trump was not getting impeached. I told you. I told you. In fact, many of us told you. Jimmy Dore, Debbie Lusignan, Aaron Maté, Caitlin Johnstone, HA Goodman, Jamarl Thomas, and many other regular people like myself pushed back against the lies that we were being fed daily. I’m sure many that will read this article were also attacked for stating the truth. We got smeared for it. We got called “Putin puppets.” We got silenced on social media. We lost friends over it. We got called conspiracy theorists for calling out a conspiracy theory. We got called “useful idiots.” Well, who are the idiots now?

Don’t be afraid to scream it as loudly as you can, “I told you so!” You and I were proven right. They were proven wrong. Of course, that won’t stop them from still trying to spin this in whatever direction they want. But this is just one more example of why we should never trust anything that our corporate media, our FBI, our CIA or our government say about anything. They are unrepentant liars. Bush and his people are still out there trying to claim that they didn’t lie about Iraq having WMDs. Surely, many will try to claim the same thing with Russiagate. They can’t come out and admit that they deliberately bullshitted people for the past two years, so that they could cover for Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party’s own failure to beat a third-rate reality show billionaire huckster. It also meant huge ratings for the media. Trump-Putin was their gravy train. They will keep riding it for as long as gullible fools continue to watch.

There is no doubt in my mind that not only will Trump not get impeached or jailed, but he will finish out his term, and may very well win again. Whether people want to hear that or not is their own problem. I just call ‘em as I see ‘em.

As for America, it will take years to undo all the damage that was caused by this reckless, dangerous conspiracy theory. We need to make sure that everyone that pushed this narrative is never allowed to forget the havoc they wrought.