Explaining This One More Time

Written Oct. 17, 2020…

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I will explain this one… more… time. I despise Trump. I despise Biden. I will not vote for one to get rid of the other. That is never going to happen. I already know who I am voting for and it is absolutely not either one of these clowns. It is not my fault that we live in a country with such a screwed-up system that one of these two racist, corrupt pieces of shit has to win. Our vote doesn’t even count anyhow, so my voting is just a completely pointless, symbolic gesture. I had not even planned on voting at all this year because I feel that my vote is only helping to prop up this fraudulent, undemocratic election process that we have. But I am thinking I might vote regardless. And the Electoral College will decide this election. Biden will easily win my state, so it does not matter one bit whether I vote for him or Trump or somebody else. Biden will win the electoral votes for my state. Another vote in his total column won’t change the overall outcome one single bit. That is how our screwed-up system works. People don’t seem to get this. Biden will more than likely get more popular votes than Trump, if everything we hear is even remotely correct. But that is not going to be the thing that decides if he wins. It’s the Electoral College. In theory, Biden could get 10 million more votes and still lose. Or Trump could get 10 million more votes, and still lose. Trump winning in 2016 had absolutely nothing to do with me not voting for Hillary. It had everything to do with the Electoral College. You could blame many other factors, but the technical reason was that, and that alone.

If you want to say that I am “helping” Trump by not voting for Biden, so be it. Since Biden apparently is way ahead in the polls, then actually I am “helping” Biden by not voting for Trump — if you want to use that kind of “logic.” But in actual fact, I am not doing either. I am simply voting for the only candidate in this race whose agenda I can get behind. And I don’t even know if that vote will be considered legitimate. It’s not anybody’s business who I vote for, nor is it my business who you vote for. Vote for whoever you want. Don’t vote at all. That’s your decision and yours only. If people want to blame me for the next 4 years because either one of these assholes got into office, then so be it. My conscience is perfectly clear, just as it was after the 2016 election. I know exactly the kind of president Biden will be (based on his 50 horrible years in office), and I want no part of that. Do not mistake that for one second, though, that that means I want four more years of Trump. I absolutely do not. But if that is how you want to interpret it, then there is nothing else I can say. But you will never change my mind by voter-shaming me. I don’t do “lesser evil” voting. I don’t do fear-based voting. And I refuse to vote “against” something. I only vote “for” something, or I won’t vote at all. That is how I have always been, and that will never change. Many times I have ended up regretting the person I voted for, since they turned out to be the exact opposite of what I had hoped. But my vote for them was done with good intentions. If you want to vote out of a place of fear, then go ahead. I refuse to vote for something I despise just to get rid of something else I despise. I see no worth in that. That is how we ended up in the mess we are in in the first place. And as long as we keep voting this “lesser evil,” the greater evil is going to get worse and worse over time.

Some can’t see beyond Trump and his buffoonish antics. I see an entire system that is evil and corrupt. Trump is not the problem. He is a symptom of that problem. Our horrible system is why a con man like this was able to con his way into office. But returning to the status quo of what led us to Trump in the first place is what is going to lead us to far-worse Trumps in the future. But if people want to keep going for these momentary “fixes” that do not fix a single thing, and only make things worse in the long run, then don’t say I didn’t warn you when things are much worse over the next 5-10 years. This country has been going downhill my entire life. That didn’t start with Trump. He certainly did nothing to make us “great” again, but that downward spiral will continue long after this buffoon is out of office.

I have never been a Republican, and I was only a Democrat for a few short months in my life. I don’t owe my vote to either one of these corrupt, warmongering right-wing parties. They both answer to the same donors. They both want the same things. They just pretend to be different to fool the American people. Some of us are no longer being fooled by that charade. Never again in my life will I vote Democrat, or Republican for that matter.

That is all I am going to say about this. I am getting sick and tired of people accusing me of supporting one over the other. I do not support either, and never will. I am not going to vote for someone who doesn’t represent my values, my beliefs or what I want to see done for this country, in order to make someone else happy. If people still don’t understand, then so be it. None of us should even have to explain why we vote for a particular candidate. It’s my vote, my choice — your vote, your choice.

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