Standing Up Against Atrocity

Written October 15, 2023…

Regardless of what people feel about what Hamas did this past week, if they are not looking at the full context of the situation over the past several decades, then they are completely misinformed, willfully ignorant and being manipulated to react solely to what Hamas did, but not to what Israel has been doing with impunity for years. And it does not justify in any way, shape or form the horrific human rights atrocities that this brutal, right-wing apartheid regime is currently committing in response to the attack. Or all the atrocities they have committed that led to this situation in the first place. Israel’s right to defend itself against the killing of 1,200 innocent Israelis does not mean that they have the right to potentially kill or displace 2 million also-innocent people.

Norman Finkelstein recently pointed out that if Americans knew what has truly been going on in Gaza and the West Bank, they would look at this entire situation with a much different perspective. But decades of pro-Israeli propaganda has been designed to make sure most people never know the complex truth.

Also keep in mind that some of the more alarming stories that have come out in recent days, that were attributed to Hamas, turned out to be totally fabricated. And they were splashed across every mainstream media outlet in order to manufacture consent for the atrocities that Israel would be soon committing. And the United States’ head purveyor of “fake news” was spreading these lies, only to have the White House have to walk back his comments. That doesn’t mean you have to support Hamas, but do not make them out to be the sole bad guy in this story. And do not equate the Palestinian people with Hamas. That would be like equating every American with our corrupt, warmongering government. And speaking of which, let’s not forget our own government’s complicity in all of this over the past several decades. We have allowed the Israeli government to act brutally with total impunity. And we are assisting them now in their demented agenda of ethnic cleansing. Our hands are 100% dirty in this horror.

And it doesn’t make you anti-Semitic to simply call out Israel’s blatant war crimes. If this situation was completely reversed all these years, I damn well would be calling out the Palestinians and sticking up for the Israelis. So we need to stop with that ridiculous smear tactic. It is only used to shut down criticism of their brutality. Calling out Saudi Arabia’s war crimes does not make you anti-Muslim. Calling out the CIA’s war crimes does not make you anti-American. It simply makes you anti-atrocity.

I am happy to see protests going on in America, Britain, and even Israel against Netanyahu and his evil, racist henchmen. This warmongering lunatic needs to be tried at The Hague for his many blatant war crimes. If any leader is “another Hitler” it most assuredly is Netanyahu. He is the most dangerous man on this earth, and may very well drag everyone into World War III. He needs to be stopped once and for all. My hope is that he is going to overplay his hand this time, and hopefully be taken down for good. In the meantime, though, many innocent Palestinians are going to suffer in the most brutal of ways. And let us not forget that there are 2 million people living in Gaza, and exactly half of them are children. And they need to stop being demonized. They are not the subhuman “animals” that the racist Israeli government have portrayed them as being. They are human beings like all the rest of us, and need to be treated with dignity, compassion and respect. They also need to stop being slaughtered. The entire world needs to stand up for them, now more than ever.

The Rehabilitation of Nazis

Written Oct. 1, 2023…

To believe that Canada would honor an evil Nazi war criminal inside the halls of Parliament, and Trudeau, Zelensky, Rota, Freeland, German ambassador Sabine Sparwasser, and probably every member of Parliament, would not know who this guy was that they were applauding and cheering, is an insult to anyone with even the slightest semblance of a working brain. Of course, the guy was fully vetted beforehand. There is absolutely no way he wasn’t.

They knew damn well who this monster was, and they applauded him anyhow, and thought they could get away with it. And if some of them did not know who he was, the fact that he was described as fighting the Russians during WWII should have been a huge tip-off. I mean, let’s see… who were the Russians mostly fighting during WWII? Oh, the Nazis! But of course, it’s okay to now cheer for evil Nazis as long as they were fighting Russia, because the goal these days is to demonize Russians as subhuman monsters from another galaxy. The same thing that the Nazis did with the Jews, by the way. Oh, the irony!

And Nazi Trudeau’s pathetic bullshit “apology” named off all the people that his actions (which he took no blame for, by the way) insulted, but conspicuously left off one huge faction of people that died because of the Nazis: Namely the millions of Russians that were fighting these monsters. But he couldn’t mention them, of course, because that would humanize “subhumans.” And the past several years have shown us that Russia must be blamed for every single horrible thing that goes on in the world at all times. And they must be erased from history. We must believe that the Soviet Union barely accomplished anything during WWII, and it was the United States, in true Hollywood fashion, that saved the world single-handedly.

Funny how it took Nazi Trudeau a couple of days to finally offer his feeble non-apologetic “apology,” and he immediately went into his “blame Russia” flex. Because obviously evil Putin put a spell over everyone at Parliament that day, and got them all to honor someone they would have never honored otherwise. And funny how I haven’t heard a word from dictator Zelensky. Gee, I thought he was Jewish? I thought he would never, ever cheer for or collaborate with Nazis. Isn’t that what we hear every single day on the corporate media? But there was the former comedian and actor raising a fist of undeniable approval for a brutal SS Nazi.

I also haven’t heard outrage from Parliament members for supposedly being “duped” into cheering for a Nazi. Funny how none of them walked out at that very moment like what happened in Greece awhile back.

And by the way, where is the outrage from our own government? Nothing but crickets. We can’t acknowledge this or it would open up a huge can of worms for our complicit government and sycophantic media. Let us not forget that America and Canada and England (among others) are arming and training the pro-Nazi Azov Battalion in Ukraine. That is what your tax dollars are going for, which is making a hell of a lot of money for Raytheon and the rest of the death merchants, and bringing us closer and closer to World War III, led by a demented warmongering Alzheimer’s patient in the White House.

But if you still think this is about Ukraine fighting the big evil red menace, or that Trudeau and Zelensky just made a simple gaffe in their cheering for an OG Nazi, then the propaganda and brainwashing has done its job. You will literally fall for anything, including to keep falling for this Ukraine War scam. And you will no doubt fall for the next scam war in Taiwan, which is just around the corner.

Meanwhile, Nazi Trudeau needs to resign in disgrace, and nobody should ever forget the shameful spectacle of what happened in the “hallowed” halls of Parliament. An evil man was celebrated. He might be 98 years old now, but that doesn’t take away from what him, and millions of others, did many years ago in the name of a demented devil like Hitler. And also keep in mind that some in the Canadian government wanted this incident stricken from the official record, as if it never happened, but thankfully, their disgraceful display will be remembered. And let us not forget the U.S. and Canada’s long shameful history of dealing with Nazis in general.

If Hitler existed now, and was fighting Russia, there is no doubt that the United States, Canada and England would be on the same side as Hitler, and each of our governments and sycophantic media talking heads would be gaslighting the world about what Hitler is doing to Jews. They would say that he has committed a few sins against them, but don’t you believe for a second all those stories about concentration camps and ovens. It’s all just “Russian disinformation.” They would be trying to put the focus solely on Putin and the Russians. And if they have to “condemn” Hitler at a later date, when it’s more politically convenient to do so, then so be it.

And if you don’t believe that would happen, well, I never thought I would live to see the day that an OG Nazi would be getting honored in the West, right out in the open, but this is the demented world we now live in. Even during a time where literally nothing surprises me anymore, this disgraceful spectacle was truly beyond the pale.

Remembering a Truth-Teller

Written Dec. 17, 2022…

As thousands of people know by now, Debbie Lusignan – The Sane Progressive – passed away on Dec. 9th. Most of us had been wondering and speculating over the past 4½ years what had happened to her, what she was doing, how she was. We wished her well, and wished we could get in contact with her. But it was impossible. She had simply dropped out of sight. There have been stories coming out about issues with chronic pain and bad reactions to medications, severe depression, and mental issues, which she had mentioned in some of her videos, as well as in private messages.

I don’t claim to know all the facts of what had been going on with her, and I don’t want to speculate. That would not be fair to her or her family. I do know how she passed away, but how she died should not be for public knowledge. It’s really nobody’s business. And people coming up with insane conspiracy theories about murder, or speculating about whether her family supported her or not, and contacting them and giving them grief about her funeral service when they are trying to mourn, is simply appalling. The woman had issues and she is sadly gone now because of them. You can draw your own conclusions from that. The bottom line is that an amazing human being died far too young. But her issues do not take away one bit from all the good she did. It does break my heart, though, that her life ended in such pain and darkness. For I, as well as thousands of other people, loved and adored Debbie. Most of us found her during the early days of Bernie Sanders’ first presidential run, and many abandoned her when she showed that Bernie was a fraud like all the rest. Some gave up on her after her reporting on the Las Vegas massacre. Was she right about it? Or was she losing perspective and going crazy? Well, knowing how right she was about so many other things, I would probably bet money that she wasn’t wrong. As with 9/11 and Russiagate, the facts didn’t add up. So let’s just leave it at that.

It was because of her that I realized I had been lied to about the facts surrounding 9/11. It was also because of her that I knew from day one that Russiagate was total bullshit. Debbie was that type of person that would do an amazing amount of research, and then report to the world what she had found. And she always came with receipts. You could either believe her findings or not. You could do your own research and come to the same conclusion, or just ignore what she was telling you. But she was not someone who spoke about something unless she was 100% sure that what she was saying was correct.

She stated many uncomfortable truths. Some people thought she was brilliant, some thought she was crazy. Some would snidely refer to her as “The Insane Progressive.” As we know, when Debbie was on fire, she would practically be spitting into the camera, ranting about how the media and government were lying to us. That was not her acting “insane.” It was her simply being passionate. That’s what we loved about her. And she was right – the media and government really are always lying. I can remember how so many of her videos would start with her speaking softly and calmly, and then about 10 minutes in, she would be spewing fire and brimstone from the mountaintop. And then just as suddenly she would end with her signature, “Okay, as always, this is Debbie… The Sane Progressive… you stay sane and peace out.” I realize now, though, that doing those videos had to take a lot out of her. I’m sure it was not fun to have to keep reporting on all the ways in which our world was growing increasingly insane, or how our own government conspires against us. That is enough to drive anyone to feelings of despair. It takes its toll after awhile. I know from experience from just doing my news page on a daily basis. The more you learn, the more despair you feel. It is why I have felt the need to stop posting online everyday, ranting about the state of the world. It really does get to you after awhile. The difference between Debbie, and someone like James Corbett, is that he seems able to talk about many of the things she talked about, but in a more detached, sarcastic way. With Debbie, she had no filter. If she felt rage, she was going to let you know it. It was going to come out of her. Again, she was simply passionate, and cared very deeply about the things she discussed. For a sensitive soul prone to depression, learning these things was definitely not good for her well-being. It is a lot easier to live a life where you don’t question anything. Debbie questioned everything, and rightly so. We have been lied to our entire lives. The only thing she was concerned about was the truth, and holding true to our core beliefs.

She fought hard for election integrity. She also kept trying to get people to move away from party politics, and to stop hero-worshiping politicians. She wanted us to stop giving our power away to those that oppress us, and keep us in that constant state of oppression. She tried to wake people up. Some woke up. Many are still asleep. Even worse, many woke up to propaganda narratives for awhile, only to then fall for the biggest scam ever, hook, line and sinker. And I think we all know what she would be saying about CBDCs. If we fall for that Orwellian hellscape, it is truly lights out for humanity.  

I know for a fact, based on videos she made and in personal messages to me, that she felt alone and ostracized. I know she sometimes felt like she was all alone out there, spreading truths and facts that people were not ready to hear. Many times she confided in me her frustrations with the progressive community. There was also talk of her possibly being threatened, and I think it spooked her enough to get off of social media, stop doing videos, and take most of her content down. Some of us felt abandoned, but I now understand how she felt and why she needed to walk away. She was uncovering some truths that were probably not meant to be uncovered. Julian Assange knows all too well what happens to you when you uncover something you were not supposed to uncover.

I know most of us felt like we knew Debbie, but maybe we never truly knew her as much as we liked to believe. I can say that some of my conversations with her used to be frustrating and depressing. Sometimes it could literally be a chore to have a conversation with her. But I still looked forward to our discussions, however brief. I can honestly say that she was one of the most passionate, caring and intelligent people I have ever met. Almost everything I know and believe about the state of our country and the world is from things I learned from her. She was simply one of the smartest, most intuitive human beings I have ever known. Some of the things I learned from her I wish I didn’t know. It was a lot easier being blissfully ignorant. I don’t claim to be any kind of close friend of hers. I’m sure she had many of the same conversations with hundreds of her other followers. But I did consider her a friend, and I always will. And I now realize that the things I disagreed with her on, she was probably right and I was more than likely wrong. On top of everything else, I miss talking about everyday kinds of things with her. Stuff that had nothing to do with politics or the state of the world.

I have been finding out things about her over the past week that I never knew. She was an avid gardener, an excellent photographer, and had become a massage therapist. She also had a wonderful sense of humor and an infectious laugh. I’m sorry that the things that gave her joy were not enough to save her in the end. I’m sorry that she felt like she had to walk away from an online community that truly loved her. I hope she realizes just how much she touched all of our lives in a positive and powerful way. Most of us would simply not be who we now are if not for her. I know I wouldn’t be.

Many of us speculated what she would be saying about the virus and vaccine narratives if she was still doing videos. Or her thoughts on the current situation in Ukraine. But it is safe to say, based on everything we knew about her, what she thought and would have been saying. And it turns out that she was, in fact, still trying to get the truth out to the world – especially the virus and vaccine narratives. She was just doing it in a very low-key way under the alias “Nurse Rose.” I can only imagine how frustrating and depressing it was for her to see people fall even harder for the scamdemic than they did for the Russiagate hoax.

I can honestly say that the main reason why I didn’t buy into these last few government narratives is because of the things I learned from Debbie. I know she sometimes thought her message wasn’t getting heard, but the ones that truly listened to her can now easily tell fact from propaganda. At least 95% of the time. The ones that fell for the vaccine and Ukraine scams were never going to learn no matter how many videos she was putting out. YouTube would have never allowed her to put those videos up anyhow. Jimmy Dore can speak truth about the vaccine and the mandates, but still pretend just enough to go along with the YouTube vaccine “rules” to keep his channel from being taken down. Debbie would have never been able to do that. It just wasn’t in her make-up. She couldn’t speak a lie, even in a wink-wink knowing kind of way. She would have rather not done the videos than have to deal with that ludicrous nonsense. I’m sure she would be ranting about all the increasing censorship that started around the time she last put out a video.

This week I am honoring Debbie in the only way I know how, which is to repost some of her videos (that, thankfully, others saved on YouTube), and remind the world just how much we lost when she decided to silence her voice. Some of the topics she discusses in these videos are still mostly relevant, and maybe need to be heard once again. I have a feeling she would probably not want these videos to still be getting shared, but she really was a brilliant voice, and some people seriously need to remember what she was saying. Maybe they will finally hear things they didn’t want to hear five years ago. And it would be a tragedy if these few remaining videos were gone. Watching them again, it seems like she is stating ideas that are blatantly obvious, but that is only because we now realize and recognize things that many of us simply didn’t know or understand until she came along to teach us. I remember her telling me what to look for in a story to know when it is bullshit.

I know I speak for tens of thousands of others when I say that Debbie Lusignan was a beautiful light in a world of increasing darkness. She was fearless. She was outspoken. She was passionate. She was brilliant. She was frustrating. She was articulate. She didn’t suffer fools gladly, and she had no problem pointing out when someone was wrong – even if it was someone she normally respected. Was she always right? I don’t know, but I do know she was 100% right about many things. Was she crazy? No. She just had issues and those issues sadly did her in. I wish I could have been there to talk to her these last few years, but I imagine it wouldn’t have changed anything. And from what I am reading by more recent friends of hers, she no longer trusted people. I can’t say I blame her after some of the things she went through back in 2018. She may have been fearless, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t have genuine fears.

I will just remember and cherish our numerous conversations online back in the day. I will remember her wisdom and all the amazing work she did in waking up thousands of us when we needed to be slapped awake. For a few years, she had become like a distant memory, and nobody knew what had become of her. So much had happened since she was last heard from. But this sudden, unexpected news hit me like a bolt of lightning, as it has for many others. It’s tragic and it is going to hurt for a long time. It made me realize just how much she was truly missed, and how much more we will miss her knowing that she will never re-emerge. It made me realize how much I learned from her. And it made me realize how much I loved this woman that I never got to meet in person. We had talked once about meeting up, but sadly it was not to be.

I hope and pray you are in a better place now, and I want you to know, Debbie, how much you truly meant to me. I doubt I would have ever started doing my news page online if it wasn’t for your inspiration. Many of the things I have posted online over the years is because of what you originally taught me. I will never forget you, and all that I learned from you. You did truly “inject some sanity into modern American political dialogue.” But you did much more than that. You made a difference in the world, and that world is a lesser place without you in it. You showed us the best that humanity has to offer, and you showed what being patriotic truly is – by calling out those in power for their despicable actions, questioning things, and by wanting to change your country and the entire world for the better. And you did as much as you could with everything you had within you. We can never thank you enough for all you did for us. We owe you a lifetime worth of gratitude. I just wish you could have lived a long, happy life.

Goodbye, my beautiful friend. I hope you find the peace that you couldn’t find here on Earth. You more than deserve it.

Peace Is the Only Sane Choice

Every single waking second for about four years, Americans were bombarded with a constant stream of anti-Russian propaganda and red-baiting in order to get every one of us fearing and hating Putin and the Russian government with every fiber of our being. It was all because of a ridiculous hoax called Russiagate. They wanted us to believe that Russia was to blame for every single problem that our country faces, and every other problem around the world. If you believed them, you would think Putin was literally everywhere every second. And all of this propaganda was designed to make you think that all Russians are evil subhumans. We hadn’t seen this kind of anti-Russian sentiment in decades.

Then they switched off of that, and spent every single waking second for the past two years designed to make you fear leaving your house, or ever breathing in fresh air or going near another human. Lock yourself in your house and be afraid.

Now, suddenly you can take your mask off and go back to work. So now it’s time to bring back the anti-Russia hysteria and ramp it up to a thousand. There is so much hysteria coming from our government and media, that I don’t see how it is at all possible to ever again have any kind of meaningful dialogue between our two nations. I don’t see how there is any chance of detente. I don’t see how nuclear war will ever be avoided, when our government looks at any kind of dialogue with Putin as something that should be avoided at all costs. We must isolate every single Russian on the planet, and cut them off from ever being a part of society again. This evil site even now allows you to promote violence towards every Russian. This is what the world has descended to. And this campaign is working, because once again Americans are being brainwashed into believing that Putin is worse than Hitler, and is hellbent on destroying the universe.

I have almost no faith that we will avoid World War III, when we have warmongering lunatics running this world, who profit off of war, and thrive on fear-mongering everyone, and silencing all those that refuse to look at Russia as evil subhuman monsters.

I didn’t buy into this nonsense decades ago, and I don’t buy into it now. But I do fear what our own leaders are capable of, and I don’t think there is any chance of calmer heads prevailing. They will just be smeared as “Putin puppets.” How the hell can you achieve peace in an environment this toxic?

I try to hold out hope, but everyday I see the world spinning more and more out of control, and everyone seems hellbent on walking right into the arms of nuclear annihilation. I refuse to be fear-mongered and driven to hating people on the other side of the world, because some warmongering lunatics in this country tell me that I should. I will fight that with every breath I have. Peace is the only way through this. War will surely be the end of civilization as we know it. I choose peace. It is literally the only sane choice in a world of increasing insanity.

Explaining This One More Time

Written Oct. 17, 2020…

California Secretary of State: My Voice. My Choice. My Vote! - Home |  Facebook

I will explain this one… more… time. I despise Trump. I despise Biden. I will not vote for one to get rid of the other. That is never going to happen. I already know who I am voting for and it is absolutely not either one of these clowns. It is not my fault that we live in a country with such a screwed-up system that one of these two racist, corrupt pieces of shit has to win. Our vote doesn’t even count anyhow, so my voting is just a completely pointless, symbolic gesture. I had not even planned on voting at all this year because I feel that my vote is only helping to prop up this fraudulent, undemocratic election process that we have. But I am thinking I might vote regardless. And the Electoral College will decide this election. Biden will easily win my state, so it does not matter one bit whether I vote for him or Trump or somebody else. Biden will win the electoral votes for my state. Another vote in his total column won’t change the overall outcome one single bit. That is how our screwed-up system works. People don’t seem to get this. Biden will more than likely get more popular votes than Trump, if everything we hear is even remotely correct. But that is not going to be the thing that decides if he wins. It’s the Electoral College. In theory, Biden could get 10 million more votes and still lose. Or Trump could get 10 million more votes, and still lose. Trump winning in 2016 had absolutely nothing to do with me not voting for Hillary. It had everything to do with the Electoral College. You could blame many other factors, but the technical reason was that, and that alone.

If you want to say that I am “helping” Trump by not voting for Biden, so be it. Since Biden apparently is way ahead in the polls, then actually I am “helping” Biden by not voting for Trump — if you want to use that kind of “logic.” But in actual fact, I am not doing either. I am simply voting for the only candidate in this race whose agenda I can get behind. And I don’t even know if that vote will be considered legitimate. It’s not anybody’s business who I vote for, nor is it my business who you vote for. Vote for whoever you want. Don’t vote at all. That’s your decision and yours only. If people want to blame me for the next 4 years because either one of these assholes got into office, then so be it. My conscience is perfectly clear, just as it was after the 2016 election. I know exactly the kind of president Biden will be (based on his 50 horrible years in office), and I want no part of that. Do not mistake that for one second, though, that that means I want four more years of Trump. I absolutely do not. But if that is how you want to interpret it, then there is nothing else I can say. But you will never change my mind by voter-shaming me. I don’t do “lesser evil” voting. I don’t do fear-based voting. And I refuse to vote “against” something. I only vote “for” something, or I won’t vote at all. That is how I have always been, and that will never change. Many times I have ended up regretting the person I voted for, since they turned out to be the exact opposite of what I had hoped. But my vote for them was done with good intentions. If you want to vote out of a place of fear, then go ahead. I refuse to vote for something I despise just to get rid of something else I despise. I see no worth in that. That is how we ended up in the mess we are in in the first place. And as long as we keep voting this “lesser evil,” the greater evil is going to get worse and worse over time.

Some can’t see beyond Trump and his buffoonish antics. I see an entire system that is evil and corrupt. Trump is not the problem. He is a symptom of that problem. Our horrible system is why a con man like this was able to con his way into office. But returning to the status quo of what led us to Trump in the first place is what is going to lead us to far-worse Trumps in the future. But if people want to keep going for these momentary “fixes” that do not fix a single thing, and only make things worse in the long run, then don’t say I didn’t warn you when things are much worse over the next 5-10 years. This country has been going downhill my entire life. That didn’t start with Trump. He certainly did nothing to make us “great” again, but that downward spiral will continue long after this buffoon is out of office.

I have never been a Republican, and I was only a Democrat for a few short months in my life. I don’t owe my vote to either one of these corrupt, warmongering right-wing parties. They both answer to the same donors. They both want the same things. They just pretend to be different to fool the American people. Some of us are no longer being fooled by that charade. Never again in my life will I vote Democrat, or Republican for that matter.

That is all I am going to say about this. I am getting sick and tired of people accusing me of supporting one over the other. I do not support either, and never will. I am not going to vote for someone who doesn’t represent my values, my beliefs or what I want to see done for this country, in order to make someone else happy. If people still don’t understand, then so be it. None of us should even have to explain why we vote for a particular candidate. It’s my vote, my choice — your vote, your choice.

Free Julian Assange

Trump 'wanted Julian Assange executed' but now hopes to 'keep him quiet in  jail' - Mirror Online

Even after everything Julian Assange had already been through, and knowing full well the hell that still lay ahead, when given the opportunity to be pardoned by Donald Trump if he would reveal who gave him the DNC emails (hint: it was not Russia), Assange straight-up refused.

If that doesn’t tell you that this man has more integrity than millions of other people combined, nothing does. This man not only has integrity, but balls of steel. Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden are the only other recent examples I have of human beings that stood firm and remained courageous, and paid a steep price for that courage.

Julian Assange is a true journalist. America’s corporate media hacks can pretend all they want that he is not a “real” journalist, but it’s really they that are not journalists. They are just mouthpieces for the government, the “intelligence” agencies and the Military-Industrial Complex. Their job is to protect the establishment and spread propaganda and lies, as well as push phony, disproven conspiracy theory hoaxes like Russiagate and the Iraq WMD narrative.

After the U.S. and British governments finish destroying what is left of Assange, and journalism is effectively dead forever, future would-be journalists will eternally wonder why the media of today wasn’t screaming bloody murder 24/7 over what was done to this courageous man. Then again, if the world doesn’t start standing up and showing courage, there might not be future generations left to wonder about this.

Make no mistake: The unrelenting hell they are putting Assange through is not just for him exposing their war crimes, it is to send a message to anyone that if you try doing something like this, we will crush you in the most brutal fashion possible. But tell me again how it’s only Russia and China that silences journalists. If most people knew what Assange goes through each day, they would be in shock. Charles Manson was never treated this badly.

Journalists and Amnesty International are not even allowed into Assange’s hearing – a hearing that centers on the freedom of journalism itself. If that doesn’t chill you to the bone, and tell you that this is a total mockery of justice, regardless of your feelings about this man, than you clearly don’t understand the full ramifications of what is going on here, or else you have been brainwashed by the endless propaganda and lies that our government and corporate media have spewed about him. He is on trial for exposing George W. Bush’s war crimes, yet instead of Bush and his henchmen being tried at The Hague, it is Assange who is on trial. And this trial is nothing but a kangaroo-court show trial, just like the one that will take place if Assange is extradited to the United States.

Not only does America never pay a price for its war crimes, but they want to make sure nobody is ever even allowed to report on them, nor expose them. Barack Obama tried to crush this man, and now Trump will finish him off.

The whole world needs to rise up against this dangerous fascism before it’s too late. It is not hyperbole to say that journalism, not to mention, the future of our planet desperately depends on it.

We Told You So

Written March 24, 2019…

Robert Mueller

After the news broke that there would be no further indictments coming from the Mueller investigation, my only comments on the matter were “I told you so.” There was nothing more to say about it at that moment, except to sit back and feel smug at being vindicated – but I will now expand on that by saying that the many of us that knew from day one that this Trump-Putin collusion narrative was pure bullshit – just like the Iraq WMD narrative and the Assad-gassing narratives were – have every right to say I told you so for the next several years.

I hate Trump as much as the next guy, but unlike many deluded people in this country, I used my critical thinking skills and quickly came to the conclusion that this was nothing more than a McCarthyist-style witch hunt. Trump is a lot of things (99% of them bad), but Kremlin double-agent is not one of them. Did he have shady business dealings in the past with Russians? No doubt. But most businessmen like him have shady business dealings. Was I supposed to be horrified that they were with Russians, rather than shady dealings with Italians, French or Mongolians? No, that’s just more of this red-scare nonsense that we have been brainwashed with for decades. And all this talk that he always sides with Putin is simply ludicrous when you actually open your eyes and realize that many of Trump’s actions were 100% against the wishes of Russia. I would go as far as to say that he has actually been more anti-Russia in many ways than Obama was.

Regardless of anything, if people thought – and some still continue to think – that a president (or any other extremely rich, powerful person) was actually going to go off to jail, then I have a bridge to sell you. Why wasn’t Nixon put in jail? Why is Dubya not in jail? Why is Hillary not in jail? Why is Kissinger not in jail? Trust me, Trump will never be spending one day in a prison cell. Whether he deserves to or not is irrelevant. It won’t happen. And it’s certainly not going to happen from this particular case.

The corporate media once again proved Trump right when he says they are nothing but fake news by screaming this collusion nonsense night and day for 2 ½ years (Russia-l Madcow, I’m definitely looking at you). But of course, it’s funny watching them continuously move the goalposts and try to make it sound like it was never about collusion. Bullshit! They must think we are stupid. The only ignorant ones are the gullible idiots that continue to watch that shit because they hate Trump with such a passion that they can’t even think straight. I love how some people are still trying to accuse me of being a “Russian bot” for simply stating the facts: “No further indictments are coming.” Don’t shoot the messenger. It was all over the news. There are no further indictments coming from Mueller. End of story.

In their quest to get Trump at any cost, they have almost completely finished destroying our country in the process. Certainly as much as Trump has. The true legacy of this nonsense is that everyone is going around accusing anyone they don’t agree with (or for even stating simple facts) of “working for the Kremlin.” We also have more censorship because of this crap, and we have a Democratic Party that has all but destroyed whatever was left of them.

This whole thing has taught me to be very skeptical of every single story I hear coming from the mainstream media. And certain politicians, who shall remain nameless, also pushed this ridiculous narrative, when they knew that it was the Democratic Party that invented this entire conspiracy theory out of thin air, and then got the mainstream media to sell it to the world.

So I will say again, I told you so. I told you there was no collusion. I told you nothing was going to come of this. I told you Trump was not getting impeached. I told you. I told you. In fact, many of us told you. Jimmy Dore, Debbie Lusignan, Aaron Maté, Caitlin Johnstone, HA Goodman, Jamarl Thomas, and many other regular people like myself pushed back against the lies that we were being fed daily. I’m sure many that will read this article were also attacked for stating the truth. We got smeared for it. We got called “Putin puppets.” We got silenced on social media. We lost friends over it. We got called conspiracy theorists for calling out a conspiracy theory. We got called “useful idiots.” Well, who are the idiots now?

Don’t be afraid to scream it as loudly as you can, “I told you so!” You and I were proven right. They were proven wrong. Of course, that won’t stop them from still trying to spin this in whatever direction they want. But this is just one more example of why we should never trust anything that our corporate media, our FBI, our CIA or our government say about anything. They are unrepentant liars. Bush and his people are still out there trying to claim that they didn’t lie about Iraq having WMDs. Surely, many will try to claim the same thing with Russiagate. They can’t come out and admit that they deliberately bullshitted people for the past two years, so that they could cover for Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party’s own failure to beat a third-rate reality show billionaire huckster. It also meant huge ratings for the media. Trump-Putin was their gravy train. They will keep riding it for as long as gullible fools continue to watch.

There is no doubt in my mind that not only will Trump not get impeached or jailed, but he will finish out his term, and may very well win again. Whether people want to hear that or not is their own problem. I just call ‘em as I see ‘em.

As for America, it will take years to undo all the damage that was caused by this reckless, dangerous conspiracy theory. We need to make sure that everyone that pushed this narrative is never allowed to forget the havoc they wrought.

Howard Schultz: “Free-Thinking Rebel”

Written Jan. 30, 2019…

Image result for howard schultz

I have never bought into the ridiculous argument that anyone who wants to run for President, must do so within the Democratic or Republican parties. People should be allowed to run as whatever they want. If you think otherwise, then don’t tell me how much you care about democracy, because you clearly want less democracy, not more. And when you say, that person will be “taking votes away” from either party, it just seems incredibly arrogant to think that those two main parties are somehow deserving of those votes. Remember: I don’t owe anyone or any party my vote. It’s up to them to win me over, not for me to blindly give them my vote. The Democrats, especially, believe that it is their God-given right to your vote. And people like Rob Reiner don’t believe that the Democrats should have to do anything to earn that vote. You should just give it to them unquestioningly, because, if not, then it’s all “your fault” if the other side wins. No, that’s not how it works, Rob. That is just classic gaslighting and bullying tactics. There is perhaps maybe one Democrat, if that, that I would even remotely consider voting for. The rest of them could drop off the earth for all I care. I have zero use for them.

So all this screaming and yelling about billionaire CEO Howard Schultz potentially “stealing” votes away from Democrats is utter nonsense. First off, I doubt he will get many votes because he’s just another greedy billionaire novice who arrogantly thinks he can just jump over all the other political offices that he’s never run for and go straight to the biggest job in the world. Secondly, he doesn’t owe anyone a damn thing, as far as how he wants to run, and neither does anyone who votes for him. If you don’t want people to vote for him, then come up with a better platform than his. Simple as that. The same goes if you want to stop the Green Party from “taking away” votes from your party – which I guarantee you would never get anyhow, if the Greens weren’t around.

I think Schultz should run however the hell he wants to run. If he takes away votes from the Democrats, then that is on them – not him. You have obviously not won over those people whose votes he has “stolen.” Just because I think he is as woefully unqualified for the Oval Office as Trump, doesn’t mean he shouldn’t have the right to run if he chooses. However, I think he’s bullshitting people if he wants anyone to think he is some rebel “free thinker” by not running as a Dem, when, in reality, he is a centrist Democrat through and through. The only reason he’s running as an independent is because he knows he doesn’t stand a chance of becoming the Democratic nominee, so he figures he can just skip over all that, and buy his way to the next round. He can pretend that he’s not the same as the Democrats or the Republicans, when he is, in fact, exactly the same. He’s just another out-of-touch billionaire with no charisma and nothing to offer. But if he can jump over the primaries and shoot straight to the general election, then he figures you’ll have no choice but to take him seriously. He’s a centrist Democrat and always has been. He has nothing unique to offer from what other centrist Dems will offer, and so to not run as a Dem is a simply a cowardly, cynical move. But like I said, he has the right to run however he chooses. And we have the right to give him our vote – or not.

The Absurdity of Voting

Written Jan. 12, 2019…

Image result for no vote

I would never tell people who to vote or not vote for. Nor would I tell them whether they should vote at all. That’s up to them.

But I do believe that voting has become mostly a waste of time and energy. When I hear people say that we need to vote out all the bad politicians, all I can do is laugh. We vote year in and year out and nothing ever gets better. In fact, it just keeps getting worse and worse. You can’t simply vote out corruption. The establishment has rigged the entire system in order to make sure that you can’t just simply get rid of them. Our system is so thoroughly corrupt to the core that you can’t fix a completely broken system. People keep living under the illusion that we still live in a democracy, where we hold legitimate elections. The 2016 Democratic primary proved that voting doesn’t matter. The DNC staged a coup for Hillary through their constant rigging and cheating. The establishment still pretends that she won legitimately. So does the person whose supporters were cheated. And many of those supporters also think that next time will somehow be different, even though nothing has changed.

Do I believe the same thing will happen again in 2020? There’s not the slightest doubt in my mind. Unless we start seriously calling out election fraud, it will just keep happening in election after election. And our taking part in this charade just gives legitimacy to a system that is completely illegitimate. And it solves nothing. I guarantee the next president of the United States will be another pro-establishment neoliberal disaster.

We also have to take into account that millions of American voters (whether they are conservatives, centrists, progressives, or libertarians) constantly keep voting for the lesser of 2 evils, and then cannot for the life of them figure out why things just keep spiraling further and further downwards. They are perfectly content with accepting crumbs that politicians throw at us, and don’t seem to demand more. They will vote for politicians that take money from special interests, and then wonder why those politicians are not working on their behalf.

We also need to get away from this “cult of personality” obsession we have with politicians. It doesn’t matter whether it’s Trump or Bernie or Hillary or Obama. Once people fall under their spell, they start suffering from cognitive dissonance. These politicians can do no wrong in their eyes, no matter how many things you point out to them that prove they are not really who they claim to be. Just like when people choose a party to vote for, they just vote blindly for that party forevermore. It doesn’t matter if the party no longer stands for anything they claim to stand for themselves, they just keep voting for them without question. It gets to be about nothing more than “we gotta beat the other team.”

I think politics has become a complete joke in this country, and so has voting. Am I saying I’ll never vote again? No, but I seriously have to question the sanity of it, and whether I want to keep engaging in this endless charade.

Russiagate: The Con of the Century

Written Oct. 24, 2018…

Putin, balding white guy wearing black holding puppet strings with Trump as the puppet

The fact that absolutely nothing will ever come of this Mueller investigation that has been going on for two years now means there was never anything there in the first place. Do you really think that if Russian collusion between Trump and Putin had existed, and they found definitive proof of it, that they wouldn’t reveal it to the American people? Especially after they have been pushing this conspiracy theory 24/7 for the past two years.

There never was anything there, and the Democrats knew that from the beginning, because they are the ones that started this ridiculous conspiracy theory. You have to be completely blind to not see that this was nothing but a humongous smokescreen to:

  1. cover for the fact that Hillary cheated Bernie and to keep the focus instead on Trump’s alleged “cheating” (with no actual proof of such),
  2. to cover for Hillary losing to the most beatable, despised candidate in the history of mankind,
  3. take away more of our rights through social media censorship – they didn’t like us sharing negative facts about Hillary and the Dems and want to make sure they stop us from continuing to do so in the future,
  4. justify ramping up aggression against Russia, by using Iraq WMD-style propaganda that they hacked our election (with no actual proof to back it up),
  5. justify going after WikiLeaks by smearing them, which in turn will hopefully scare other journalists and whistleblowers from exposing government corruption.
  6. cover for the fact that Hillary illegally funneled money that was supposed to be raised for down-ballot races and instead went straight to her own campaign.

The goal of Russiagate was never to actually impeach Trump (though that might have been a bonus for them if it had happened), but to instead impose censorship on all of those that call out both sides of the establishment, as well as to take the blame off the Dems (now they can use “Russian meddling” indefinitely as their go-to excuse for losing), and use this as an excuse to resurrect the Cold War and ramp up aggression worldwide in order to make billions more for war manufacturers. It also got higher ratings for a corporate media that fewer people trust than ever before. Rachel Maddow, the leading McCarthyist in this whole disgusting charade, will surely spin this in some kind of positive light, or else have her followers thinking that justice was simply not served. She, however, can never come out and actually admit to her viewers that she was merely blowing smoke up their ass for two entire years. Maybe now, though, she will have no choice but to actually report on the horrible things Trump actually does, as opposed to reporting things he didn’t do.

Russiagate was the con of the century. And millions fell for it hook, line and sinker – just like they did with the Iraq WMD fiasco narrative. And those of us that didn’t fall for it, we are the ones that will suffer the most from it. I would love to laugh hysterically and scream, “I told you so!” for the next year, but honestly, I am more disgusted, outraged, saddened and fearful than anything else. I fear the repercussions of this will reverberate for years to come. And this sewed division not just between the Hillary and Trump crowd, but even among progressives that didn’t vote for either. It has caused many so-called “progressives” to fall for establishment narratives that they should be too smart to be falling for. Part of that reason is that Bernie keeps pushing this Russiagate nonsense as much as anyone, which makes you have to seriously consider the fact that he may have been in on this whole charade from the beginning – which would explain why he never called out the cheating that took place against his supporters.

And Russiagate got our nation even more divided and angry and blaming each other than it already was – which is exactly what the elites hoped for. They want us all fighting amongst ourselves and lashing out wildly at each other, while they continue to screw us over.

Nicely played, America. You made fools of us all yet again.

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